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Fee Schedule

Fee Policy and Schedule
We have established the following fee and expense scheduled based on a careful consideration of similar investigative firms in the Denver Metro area, and Colorado.  We strive to provide the best service to our clients at the most competitive rates possible.  If at any time you feel that a particular item billed was not authorized or appropriate, or for any other reason you do not feel that this item should be paid, simply redline it from the bill and pay the remainder.  No questions will be asked, except to inquire as to how we can improve our service and avoid billing misunderstandings in the future.

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Standard Investigations: $60.00 per man-hour.
Surveillance: $60.00 per man-hour.
Background checks: Call for quote.
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant: $85.00 per hour.
Process service: $50.00 per return of service (Metro area. 3 attempts.)
Outside Metro area: $55.00 per return of service, (plus mileage.3 attempts.
Special Conditions: $60.00 per man-hour.(set time,place,or circumstances, waiting time.)
Rush Service: Within 48 hours add $20.00
Attorney Support: Court case filing and etc.  $40..00 per hour.
OADC Investigations: Colorado State-controlled.
Mileage:  $0.40 per mile.

For specific cases or inquiries, please contact us so we can provide a fee quotation. 303-969-8703 Fax 303-986-1752

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Colorado's Very Best